
The Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine


In order to develop the most practical plastination specimens used for anatomical study, the aim of the present study was to compare between using acetone and absolute alcohol for dehydration in plastination procedure. Ten pig heart specimens were used in the present study and plastination procedure was processed by using acetone (group 1) or absolute alcohol (group 2) for dehydration. The results showed that dehydration by acetone resulted in more natural color with no shrinkage of the heart specimens while dehydration by alcohol caused darker color and more shrinkage. However, the advantage of using alcohol was that it gave the drier texture of the specimens which may be easier for maintenance of the specimens. In conclusion, the dehydration process in plastination procedure could be done by using acetone either absolute alcohol depended on the objective of each plastination procedure. In cases which high quality of natural looking specimens was needed, using acetone in dehydration process was suggested.



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