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This variational pragmatics (VP) study investigates the similarities and differences of compliment responses (CR) between Thai and Punjabi speakers of English in Thailand, focusing on the strategies used in CR when the microsociolinguistic variables are integrated into the Discourse Completion Task (DCT). The participants were 20 Thai and 20 Punjabi students selected based upon the results of an English language test. The results of the study revealed that despite the similarities of the CR strategies, there were also marked differences between the two groups of participants. The variables incorporated into the DCT were shown to be an important factor in determining the CR strategies of the participants. Therefore, it can be concluded that the participants took micro-sociolinguistic cues into consideration in responding to a compliment. Furthermore, bothgroups of participants transferred the pragmatic norms of their native language when interacting in English. The findings lead to the pedagogical implication that pragmatics need tobe integrated into English language classrooms in order to facilitate intercultural communication and to enable the learners to use socially appropriate language.



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