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Perhaps like me, you occasionally have the chance to browse some of the numerous academic journals devoted to EFL, ESL and CALL. Normally, your time will have been devoured by competing demands of preparation, teaching, correction, consultation and collaboration. But sometimes, between semesters or after exams you are troubled by the realization that your teaching methods have been running on automatic for quite some time and you feel you ought to be refueling from that growing body of academic research you believe is constantly generating new insights into how to teach English. And for your own sake, and. that of your students', you know you should be doing more than the occasional workshop on the uses of corpora. You should be keeping up to date with the literature.
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Recommended Citation
Alroe, Michael
"Macmillan Books for Teachers (Series Editor: Adrian Underhill),"
PASAA: Vol. 39:
1, Article 8.
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