NAKHARA (Journal of Environmental Design and Planning)
Volume 6, Number 1 (2010)
Multi-Productive Landscapes of the Sustainable City: Opportunities for Managing Resource Needsthrough Urban Landscapes
N. Claire Napawan
Greenery in Urban Environments: A Study of Mysore City in India
Krishne Gowda, M. V. Sridhara, and B. Mahendra
Rotterdam: Dynamic Polder City = Land + Water + Culture
F. L. Hooimeijer
Jakarta Waterscape:From Structuring Water to 21st Century Hybrid Nature?
Prathiwi W. Putri and Aryani Sari Rahmanti
Agats:The Waterfront City of the Asmat
Basauli Umar Lubis
Urban Dynamism, a Contrasting Experience:Street Life in Unplanned Bangkok and Planned Melbourne
Sidh Sintusingha, Kasama Polakit, and Richard Bruch