Manusya, Journal of Humanities
Volume 15, Number 2 (2012)
Variation and Change of the Phrae Pwo Karen Vowels and Tones Induced by Language Contact with the Tai Languages
Chommanad Intajamornrak
Formant Transitions as Effective Cues to Differenciate the Places of Articulation of Ban Pa La-u Sgaw Karen Nasals Author(s) : Karnthida Kerdpol
Karnthida Kerdpol
Initial Consonant Voicing Perturbation of the Fundamental Frequency of Oral Vowels and Nasal Vowels: A Controversial Case from Ban Doi Pwo Karen
Phanintra Teeranon
Ban Pa La-u Sgaw Karen Tones: An Analysis of Semitones, Quadratic Trendlines and Coefficients
Sujinat Jitwiriyanont
Using GIS for Exploring Karen Settlements: A Case Study of Western and Northern Thailand in the Vicinity of the Thai-Burmese Border
Sirivilai Teerarojanarat