
Asian Review

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What are the successes and failures of the Asian authoritarian political systems, and how they have evolved over the centuries? Thus, Chinese history became a chapter of human civilization. The famous saying reminds us that; those who cannot cope with changes will never initiate changes. What are those changes, and how did the rulers, emperors, and party leaders in China adjust to the change is worth exploring academically from a historical point of view, The salient features of the code of conduct the rulers adopted presumably gave the numerous emperors a sense of direction to apply autocratic rule yet maintained a semblance of inclusive growth targeting their subjects. To what extent do those principles differ from the benchmarked guiding principles, explored to uncover the new learning points to make sustainable development goals a reality in this paper. Unique development models that enabled inclusive growth in the ancient Asian Empires are examined extensively. How did the rulers ensure continuity and connectivity of Authoritarianism critically analyzed, focusing on the Peoples Republic of China.



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Asian Studies Commons



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