
Asian Review

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This qualitative research study aims to investigate functional and hazard specific competencies of Thai local administrative officers in disaster prevention and mitigation. The data was collected through document research, in-depth interviews and group discussions from representatives from a central policy making agency and with staff from disaster prevention and mitigation agencies in six local administrative organizations around Thailand. The data was collected in six localities and analyzed by means of content analysis. The results showed that there are three functional competencies, namely 1) understanding of laws, regulations and authority; 2) proactive analysis and evaluation of the situation; and 3) networking in operations and public and community relations. Hazard specific competency in floods and mudslides includes the movement and evacuation of flood victims and persuasion of the management in the area, while hazard specific competency in storms includes specialization in the demolition of buildings and obstructions. The study found that human resource development in the local government should be developed through the concept of competency as a framework for development and performance appraisal.



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Asian Studies Commons



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