
Asian Review

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In this paper, I introduce the concept of "anti-colonial internationalism" as the ideological source of Indonesia's foreign policy between 1945 and 1965. This concept has been neglected by international relations scholars in favor of the rival idea of "liberal internationalism." I argue that anti-colonial internationalism in Indonesia's foreign policy has been rooted in three aspects, namely 1) decolonial thought that was developed by Indonesian anti-colonial intellectuals in early 20th century, 2) the political thoughts of nationalist leaders and debates during the state formation process in 1945, and 3) the memory of the diplomatic struggle during the revolutionary era (1945-1955). The inauguration of the Bandung Conference exemplifi es the outreach of anti-colonial internationalism, which inspires the call for decolonization in world politics. Taking the Bandung Conference as the point of departure, this article will investigate the extent to which decolonial thought and anti-colonial nationalism works with an "internationalist" spirit in Indonesia's foreign policy between 1945 and 1965.



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Asian Studies Commons



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