
Asian Review

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This article aims to investigate the Thai novel entitled Chungking Sexpress by Anusorn Tipayanon in terms of its themes, the devices employed to present these themes and the role of the novel as a forum in which memories of the Second World War are presented. The study found that the main plot of puzzle-solving and the love triangle sub-plot that presents the lives of the characters during the Second World War are devices that the author chose to present the novel's themes: accepting a compromise with the demarcation of norms which dictate the way of life while still preserving one's "humanity" or the essence of a human being who knows how to love and maintain the balance of his soul is the way in which a person can lead a meaningful life. The biggest obstacle to be overcome in an individual's life is the internal war that is inevitably ignited by external social contexts. When viewed as a source of memory the novel reinforces the memory of the wound to the "war loser," invokes memories of prostitutes who served the Japanese military in Thailand and presents the dimensions of humanity through the accounts of marginal characters.



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Asian Studies Commons



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