
Asian Review

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This article explores the relevance of the concept of human security in ASEAN within the context of the development of the ASEAN Charter. Human security is a relatively new norm in ASEAN. It entered dialogue at the ASEAN level only recently, and has been discussed ever since. However, the ASEAN Charter does not mention human security despite its explicit codification of human rights, another human-centric norm. This explores the "meaning" of human security that ASEAN seems to share, and compares it with the meaning held by the UN and its organs. The article notes the different perceptions of comprehensive security, which used to be state-centric and emphasized stability, traces the development of the ASEAN Charter, and identifies the role of various actors and their respective influence on the final outcome of the Charter. Lastly, the article addresses the challenges that ASEAN still faces regarding norm implementation and norm internalization.



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Asian Studies Commons



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