
Asian Review

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It is widely believed that the civil society will help lead to good governance in Thailand. This idea is not far-fetched. In the discussion of civil society, the two traditional sectors-the public and private-are first examined with respect to their roles in the public policy process and in the economy. Despite various benefits of both public and private sectors on the society and economy, failures in both sectors sometimes occur. The civil society is put forward as an alternative, third, or people's sector to compensate for the state and market failures. In the case of Thailand, the prevalence of corruption, a form of state failure, particularly gives rise to the pressure for a stronger civil society. Therefore, the policy environment in Thailand has changed, in that the private sector as well as the civil society in such forms as nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and people's organizations have asserted a more active role throughout the public policy process. But with this new policy environment, this paper still argues for the importance in the function of the public sector, especially in policy implementation.



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Asian Studies Commons



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