
Applied Environmental Research

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KaengKhoi District (SaraburiProvince, Thailand) suffers from a surface water shortage due to increasing demand from domestic use and crop production, particularly in the drought season. Groundwater resources are an additional source of freshwater in this area, especially for agricul-tural purposes, but to be sustainable its usage should not exceed long-term groundwater recharge. Evaluation of the groundwater recharge potential is therefore essential to determine the sustain-able use level for groundwater resources. This study aimed to determine the groundwater re-charge potential using the geographic information system (GIS) around the Land Development Facilities of Chulalongkorn University at KaengKhoi District, Thailand. The hydrologic and geo-logic features affecting groundwater recharge potential into the groundwater system are the linea-ments, drainage density, lithology and land cover/land use. The weighting of these factors were derived from integration of the interrelationship of the major and minor effects of each contri-buting factor. Then GIS overlay was used to determine the influence of the hydrologic and geo-logic effects on total groundwater recharge potentiality, classified into five categories: very high, high, moderate, low and very low. The highest recharge potentialzone was located in the down-stream areas. The map generated revealed that about 50% of the study area had a medium ground-water recharge potential, mainly located in the eastern upstream part and the central area.

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