
Applied Environmental Research

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The purposes of this research were to propose and develop models of children’s awareness in order to encourage social harmony, appreciation of the local environment, pride for art and culture, the dissemination of Esan local wisdom and facilitation of planning in the use and preservation of natural resources. The results of the study and the proposed models are tactics for encouraging ideas and inculcating attitudes and values to children who are future adults. Through an awareness of current problems and consequences of destruction of natural resources the future quality and sustainability of village life will be ensured. Temples had a prominent and central role in project activities including the instruction and promotion of moral principles, the dissemination of art, culture, beliefs and traditions. Spirituality, particularly Buddhism, as well as local wisdom, form the foundation of Esan social life from the past through to the present. The project will achieve success from the continuous participation of villagers, schools and temples. Children, parents, volunteer teachers, monks and community leaders are the main promoters of the project and the government, private sector and charitable organizations will provide financial and material support.

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