
Applied Environmental Research

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This study was designed to investigate the effects of cleansing powder on the efficiency of the on-site or household activated sludge treatment units. Both acute and chronic toxicity were studied in term of chlorine content in the cleansing powder. An activated sludge model was constructed and the effects of chlorine on the treatment efficiencies of this model in term of BOD,COD,MPN and plate count were investigated. The study on acute toxicity showed that at chlorine concentration of S mg/cu.dm. the efficiency of the system was as high as 95 and 93 percent BOD and COD removal, respectively. A decrease in efficiency, however~ was apparent when the concentration of chlorine was increased and a linear relationship occurred when the concentration of chlorine was not h:i_gher than 80 mg/cu.dm. Higher concentration of chlorine gave no further significant decrease in efficiency.

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