
The Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine


This cross-sectional study aimed to assess the current use of progestins as contraceptives in dogs and cats and to evaluate veterinarians' awareness of related complications across Thailand. A total of 724 veterinarians participated, predominantly female (66.3%) and aged 31-40 years (49.6%), with most working in Bangkok and its metropolitan area (52.6%) and having 6-15 years of experience in small animal practice (46.4%). Approximately 6.8% of respondents (49/724) reported using injectable progestins, mainly in female dogs (87.8%) and cats (83.7%), but also in male dogs (18.4%) and cats (14.3%). Veterinarians using progestins were mostly male (59.2%), with an average age of 42 years and 15 years of experience. Veterinarians currently using progestins averaged 42.3 years of age (range: 29-65 years) and 15.7 years of experience in small animal practice (range: 3-38 years). Their average age (OR = 1.136) and years of experience (OR = 1.147) were significantly higher compared to non-users (P<0.05). The highest proportion of progestin users was in the North (1:4.9), followed by the Northeast (1:9.8) and the South (1:13.5). Concerns included pyometra (59.4%), cystic endometrial hyperplasia (47.9%), and mammary gland tumors (43.1%) as moderate to major effects, while diabetes mellitus was seen as a neutral effect of progestins. Veterinarians using progestins expressed fewer concerns about complications compared to non-users (P<0.05). In conclusion, this nationwide survey suggests that factors associated with the use of progestins include veterinarians' gender, age, years of experience, as well as the gender of animals and geographical regions within Thailand. There is a clear need for improved resource allocation to ensure accurate information, promote caution, and address misconceptions among veterinarians, para-veterinarians, and pet owners, especially in the northern, northeastern, and southern regions.



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