
The Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine


A goat uterine model for artificial insemination (AI) training has not been created previously. The eight goat uteri were collected from the slaughterhouse and measured to serve as a prototype size for the model. A goat uterine model was developed based on silicone material. This study compared the suitability of silicone between 20,000 and 30,000 centipoise viscosity and the cervical opening between the circular and linear types for this model. These were made up of four models with alternating differences between viscosity and cervical openings. Twenty AI officers evaluated the satisfaction score of the internal and external appearance of the model and compared silicone viscosities and types of cervical opening by questionnaire. After the officer's evaluation, the high-satisfaction type was chosen to use for participant-farmer training. In the course of AI training, the thirty participants practiced with a goat uterine model before doing so with live goats. After training, participants assessed the satisfaction of the internal and external appearance of the model and the usefulness of the AI training. The result showed that the silicone viscosity of 30,000 centipoises was more satisfying to officers than that of 20,000 centipoises. The type of cervical opening was not clearly different. Both the officers and participants satisfied both the internal and external appearance of the overall models. The participant was satisfied with the usefulness of this model for AI training. The goat uterine model in this study is suitable for AI training. However, this model needs further development for advanced AI training.



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