


D.F. Murphy

Publication Date



We have recently had a government campaign in Britain to make us all aware of the information revolution, for "there's no future without it".1 We were asked to think what part split-second processing, transmission and presentation of information might play in our workaday lives and at home. From many sides the message seems to be that if we do not voluntarily participate in the computer revolution then it will be forced upon those who have spurned or tried to avoid this particular advance. So far access to computers has been limited but they may soon be almost as common as pocket calculators are now. One of their multiple uses is for teaching, and some programmes using computer-assisted learning (CAL), such as PLATO at the University of Illinois, have been developing for many years. CAL projects in second and foreign language learning are becoming increasingly common and materials are offered with the home computers (or micro-processors) now on sale.



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