
Applied Environmental Research

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The study aims are to investigate the people perception on flood response, flood awareness and information dissemination during 2011 flood, to discuss the proper information needed for flood preparedness, and to understand drinking water preferences during emergency periods. A question-naire survey was conducted to collect information on flood awareness and preparedness from the people residing in a suburb of Bangkok that was one of the most severely affected areas. Re-sults showed that more than 90% of public realized the necessity of flood awareness. Flood risk per- ception level was positively correlated with age. There were gender differrences in priorit y floodresponses; males were more concerned about electrocution while women were more concerned over damage to household property. More than 40% of respondents gave lower priority to electricit y cutoffs during the flood. This perception of knowledge could lead to life-threatening damage. Television was found to be the most effective channel for disseminating flood information (58%) due to its reliability, transparency, and promptness. However, its popularity was slightly reduced during flood, most likely due to electricity shortages. For the younger generation, TV and internet are the most powerful tools, while older people rely on many channels including radio and pamphlet, so that messages need to be disseminated through many channels in combination. Infor-mation on flood severity, asset protection, water supply, food supply, health information, and shelter was concerned before and during flood. Bottled water was the main alternate water source (70%). The findings of this study provide basic guidance to the authorities concerned to assist in deve-loping effective policies and plans to minimize the impacts of future floods.

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