
Applied Environmental Research

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Widespread use of pesticides in Thai agriculture has led to serious adverse health impacts on users. This study developed a GIS database using the QGIS tool to investigate insecticide usage and toxicity tofarmers in Ubon RatchathaniProvince in northeastern Thailand. Primary data collection involved recording exact locations of residential houses using geographic positioning system (GPS). Secondary dataincluding transport routes, natural and environmental resources, and records of rainfall and ground temperatureswere also collected. The data were integrated asGIS mapping data. Eighteen farmers participated in the study and submitted themselves tomeasurements of cholinesterase (ChE) levels and 2 blood sample collections for comparison with standard ChE levels. Results revealed the GIS database to bean effective tool to capture, store, manage, search, analyze, and represent spatial data and correlate them with insecticide usage. The GIS databaserevealed that ChE levels of volunteers for pre-post-exposure were within normal ranges. Liver enzymes (AST and ALT) were also within normal ranges. Further study should broaden collection of essential data including demographic information and basic knowledge and perceptions of self-protection regarding insecticides. Further evaluation and refining of the GIS databaseapproach arerecommended to improve itseffectiveness as an analytical tool to enhance safe use of pesticides.

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