
The Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine


Rhipicephalus (Boophilus)microplusis an important vector transmitting hemoparasitesin cattle and is, therefore, the cause of significant loss to cattle production. The control of ticks with synthetic acaricides is partially successful. However, parasite resistance to these compoundshas been reported.This study aimedto evaluate the effects of water submersion on cattle ticks. Ticks were divided into three weight classes[small (3-10 mg),medium (10-30 mg)and large(>70 mg)].All ticks in the small weight class died after immersion in water for as little as 5 mins. Some ticks in the medium weight class died after immersion for10 and 15 minsbutnone in the largest weight class died at any time point.Entry of water into the body of the small ticks might be via the openings of the stigmata. In conclusion, watersubmersion is an alternative way of controlling cattle ticks. This simple technique can be applied toproduction animals or pets to control ticks cheaply and safely



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