
Manusya, Journal of Humanities

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In this study of "The Emergence and Transformation Processes of Tha Chin River's Waterfront Community Markets," the markets that originated generally in the reigns of King Rama V through to King Rama VII have been studied. The objective was to investigate whether or not the transportation networks and the spatial centrality had any association with the emergence and transformation processes of the Tha Chin River's waterfront community markets. The framework of this study includes the research and analysis of transportation networks that affected the spatial centrality of the target markets. To assist the investigation, it seems reasonable to assume that the transportation networks and the spatial centrality had a direct bearing on the process of emergence and transformation of the waterfront community market within the Tha Chin River Basin area. Therefore, the study is separated into three periods using maps from the Royal Thai Survey Department as a means to demarcate the three different time zones namely, the first period (2436 BE - 2484 BE) which is shown by the map of 2455 BE - 2482 BE, the second period (2484 BE - 2505 BE) which is indicated in the map entitled L7017, and last but not least, the last period (2506 BE -2554 BE) which is illustrated by the L7018 map. The outcome of this research study indicate the following. The first and the second periods display some similar maximum global integrator value or an accessibility of spatial centrality which is centered on the border area of Suphanburi and Nakhonpatom provinces, which is the hub of the Tha Chin River basin. In addition, it has been found that in these two studied periods, waterfront community markets continued to emerge one after the other in great number. This is because the areas in both periods had a watery based spatial centrality which, in the past, could offer the ease of both transportation and trading connections to other adjacent areas. On the other hand, in the third period, the hub was moved to the east of the target area. This is because the spatial centrality of more recent times changed from watery based centrality to land based one, and this change contributed a great deal to the various later transformations of waterfront community markets.

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