
Journal of Urban Culture Research

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Social change in the 21st century has caused changes in three areas: economic, social, and culture. The UNESCO (2003 as cited in the Institute for Research on Law, 2009) categorizes culture into two types: tangible culture which includes those concerning objects with expressive symbols, for example, languages, manners, attire, technology, and various forms of art; and intangible culture, which concerns the mind, for instance, notions, beliefs, values. Feldman (1996) propose that learning art has an important role to play in developing various senses. These are the basic ways to accept, maintain and convey culture that relate to values and way of life. Factors that affect changes in society and culture include nature, environment, population, economic system development, attitudes and beliefs of people in society, social movement, including cultural and new innovation processes, lifestyle cultures of the new generations, according to Bunnag (2010). Concerning cultures and values in several aspects, for example, in the environment, energy generating, education, social activities, entertainment, and facilities. This study examines the tangible and intangible factors of cultural influence from outside the ASEAN Economics Community - AEC affecting culture, values, ways of life, and altering ways of learning about the arts in Thailand and Laos.



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