
Chulalongkorn University Dental Journal

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Objective To clone human connective tissue growth factor (hCTGF) from pulpal fibroblasts. Materials and methods Primary human pulpal fibroblasts were isolated from pulpal tissues. The reverse transcriptase-PCR assay was used to amplify the cDNA of hCTGF. The amplified PCR products were ligated into the TOPO R cloning vector and transformed into competent bacteria cells. The putative clones were bidirectionally sequenced to analyze nucleotide sequence and compare with hCTGF cDNA sequence references. Results From RT-PCR reaction, expression of CTGF mRNA was detected in human pulpal fibroblast. Through bi-directional sequencing analysis, nucleotide sequence of our hCTGF has 100% homology to the hCTGF sequence reported. Conclusion Human pulpal fibroblasts express CTGF mRNA. The hCTGF cDNA obtained from primary pulpal fibroblast has 100% homology to hCTGF sequence references.



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