
Chulalongkorn University Dental Journal

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Demineralization inhibitory ability of a polyacid-modified composite resin (Dyract®) was evaluated and compared to those of a composite resin (Scotchbond MP/Silux Plus) and a resin-modified glass ionomer restorative cement (Fuji II LC). A synthetic polymer acidified-gel technique was used in producing artificial caries-like lesion around standard Class V restorations of these materials. Demineralized lesions developed around the margin of all restorations and the depth of lesions were significantly different among all materials (P<0.05). Zone of inhibitions were only found at the tooth/restoration interface of all Fuji II LC restorations. In this study, demineralization inhibitory ability of the polyacid-modified composite resin was inferior to that of the resin-modified glass ionomer restorative cement but was superior to that of the composite resin.



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