
Chulalongkorn University Dental Journal

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So far, no one has reported about the morphology of the cat's vallate papilla. Two adult cat's tongues were investigated by using light microscopy. The results revealed that each tongue contained 7 and 8 papillae, respectively, arranging in a V-shaped form. According to their location and configuration, the papillae were classified into 2 types. Type I, the papillae of which embedded deeply under the tongue mucosa. This type of papillae had the flower-bud shape with their trenches opened into the narrow canals which led to the oral cavity. Type II, the papillae of this type had their apices reaching the tongue surface with the trenches opened directly into the oral cavity. According to their shape, they were divided into 2 sub-types. Sub-type lla, the papillae that had the same shape as the type I papillae and sub-type llb, the papillae that had a cylindrical shape with their diameters of the bases being equal to the heights. All these papillae could be found both with and without a vallate-crypt. In general, the flower-bud shaped papillae were located medially to the midline, while the others were found laterally. Taste buds were distributed unevenly on both the top surface and the lateral walls of the papilla, while the outer wall of the trench was devoid of them. In the core of some papillae, a few single neurons were also observed. Scattered neurons and small ganglia were occasionally seen underneath the papilla among the serous glands, muscle fibers, and the adipose tissues.



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