
Chulalongkorn University Dental Journal


Prasit Pavasant

Publication Date



During embryogenesis, cells of pharyngeal arches (branchial arches) contribute to the formation of orofacial structures, including structures of pharynx and larynx. The fate of these cells in pharyngeal arches has already been destined before they migrate from their origin to the areas of pharyngeal arch. Based on results from Drosophila in which special groups of gene regulte the body pattern in chronological manner, it has been suggested that similar mechanism may also take place during vertebrate development. Using chromosome mapping, its turns out that both Drosophila and vertebrate share similar mechanism of body pattern regulation. A group of these regulatory genes, termed Hox or homeobox-containing genes, plays an important role in regulating development of antero-posterior body axis, including development of orofacial structures.



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